Through innovative inventions & systems we reduce water demand and make you the prime supplier of water to the whole premises.


Water Rhapsody FAQs

What we can do for you?
  • Harvest your rainwater to supplement municipal water. Get you off the grid.
  • Re-cycle your greywater to irrigate your garden.
  • Re-use greywater in schools & offices and factories. A Green solution.
  • Re-use your backwashed pool water to save water.
  • Save on toilet flushing with Water Rapsody Multi Flush.
  • Save up to 90% of your municipal water bill with our products.
  • Unique energy saving technology for geysers and residential homes.
Why Water Rhapsody?
  • Founded in 1994. A wealth of experience.
  • 23 years of experience in water conservation. Now in energy.
  • Over 4000 installations in SA.
  • Clients include Old Mutual, Wits, UCT.
  • Free quotations to green your homes. Get a free quote today!
  • Nationwide coverage and seeking more dealers to help.
  • Enthusiastic and knowledgeable franchisees.
Contact Us

We're not around right now. But you can send us an email and we'll get back to you, asap.

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