Through innovative inventions & systems we reduce water demand and make you the prime supplier of water to the whole premises.
Our Products
Garden Rhapsody
Garden Rhapsody: The re-use of grey water for Irrigation purposes. Water from baths, showers, hand basins, and the laundry is piped into a manifold to introduce into filter device to remove hair, and particulates, then pumped into the garden and sprayed via a hose pipe that may be moved from time to time.
Water Rhapsody Multi Flush
Water Rhapsody Multi Flush: to minimize municipal or your own source of rainwater for toilet flushing. The savings for this innocent little inexpensive device are truly astounding when one considers that UCT in 2002 installed these in all of the campuses and achieved a 90% saving (using only 10% of the water the previous year, and they are still there.
Water Rhapsody Second Movement
Water Rhapsody Second Movement: The re-use of grey water for toilet flushing. Grey water is pumped directly into the toilet pan without the need for any toilet cistern whatsoever. The activation for this is done with a switch on the ceiling of the bath room.
Water Rhapsody Poolside Tank
Water Rhapsody Poolside Tank: Every sand filter requires being backwashed from time to time. Water Rhapsody devised this system to re-use this backwash and return the water back to the pool, completely clarified.
Water Rhapsody Grand Opus
Water Rhapsody Grand Opus. Rain falling from the roof into gutters is harvested at eave level, and put through a self-cleaning filter we call a Rain Runner. This is to run the water by gravity into an underground ring main, and collecting all downpipes into a single pipe surrounding the house. Our calculation of water tank size based on the roof area, the type of roof, and the number of people of household people drawing from the tanks is provided to ensure that the tanks fill but seldom overflow. Furthermore a comprehensive pumping system of water to the whole household is made taking into consideration the possibility (or likelihood) of water outages, and the ability to revert to a municipal supply when one cannot pump water is provided to all customers. Other features are an emergency supply of water provided for 48 hours of water in the event of a water outage as well as filtration to remove particulates balance the pH of rainwater and remove heavy metals and smell and taste from the water is provided with the system.
Other Systems
Rain Sonata: not all homes are able to get water to run by gravity into water tanks. We have devised the Rain Sonata to automatically come to life to deliver rainwater to water tanks higher than the gutters at low pressure but very high delivery. This could be a t a rate of say 120 litres per minute.
Ground water: over the past few years, through constant innovation we have developed ways to make most groundwater able to be used in the household. We have overcome issues like well buffered acid groundwater, high iron content as well as many dissolved minerals that need to be removed before pumping and using in the home.
Water Rhapsody Aria: The use of rainwater by pumping from a rainwater tank into the garden to spray with either a hand held hose or a Gardena type sprinkler. This pump system is the most inexpensive and silent way of pumping water from a rainwater tank.
Water Rhapsody Toccata: PV System. Photo Voltaic Systems are a wonderful means to deliver by pumping water without even going the rout of converting the DC (Direct Current) into AC (Alternating Current). Should you be in a place without electricity or Eskom grow too unreliable and erratic one may still be able to pump water by producing one’s own electricity.
Water Rhapsody Fugue: PV (Photo Voltaic) power for hot water cylinders. We have a whole range of system for heating hot water cylinders or combination of hot water cylinders. These range from two panel 60 volt DC system to as many as seven 250 watt panels. The main aim is to have the ability to provide hot water with the most power for the least cost and provide this power even in the event of cloud cover. The advantages are numerous in that the PV panels may be placed anywhere on the roof for best advantage of sun exposure and one needs only two wires from the panels to wherever the hot water cylinder is situated.
Rooftop power generation: Tango: Water Rhapsody is able to provide a rooftop generation system to provide an alternative power source in your home or business to ESKOM power and allow you to choose which source of power you would have to power your place. This includes PV panels, a voltage regulator / inverter unit and batteries which are connected to a new green plug wherever power is needed.
All devices to overcome obstacles are invented and given names by theinventor Jeremy Westgarth-Taylor.
What we can do for you….
- Harvest your rainwater to supplement municipal water. Get you off the grid.
- Re-cycle your greywater to irrigate your garden.
- Re-use greywater in schools & offices and factories. A Green solution.
- Re-use your backwashed pool water to save water.
- Save on toilet flushing with Water Rapsody Multi Flush.
- Save up to 90% of your municipal water bill with our products.
- Unique energy saving technology for geysers and residential homes.
Why Water Rhapsody?
- Founded in 1994. A wealth of experience.
- 23 years of experience in water conservation. Now in energy.
- Clients include Old Mutual, Wits, UCT.
- Free quotations to green your homes.
- Nationwide coverage and seeking more dealers to help.
- Enthusiastic and knowledgeable franchisees.
- Save 90% of your Water Bill.